Who am I?

Hi there! My name is Srinath Jayaraman and I love programming, poetry, movies, and reading books.

I hold a master's degree in Computer Science from the Delft University of Technology, with a specialization in Data Science. Over the course of my masters, I gained a lot of experience with modern functional and object oriented programming languages, such as Python, Scala, R, and Go-Lang. I also familiarised myself with Apache Spark and Apache Flink in Scala. My work with Scala required learning the fundamentals of AWS, deploying cloud applications, and tuning cloud resources for optimal performance gains. Additionally, I utilized Python to create machine learning pipelines. Some prominent applications include dimensionality reduction, fraud detection, and anomaly detection.

My master’s thesis was in the field of Geomatics, which concerns the measurement, analysis, and display of geographic and other spatial data. Specifically, my thesis involved using deep learning to analyze satellite imagery for the purposes of mapping the growth and change in forest cover. I graduated in November of 2022.

Prior to pursuing an MS, my industry experience as an IT consultant led me to develop a notable interest in computer science, and this became the driving force behind my decision to obtain a master’s degree in this field. During my time as a consultant, I gained considerable expertise in SQL and IBM z/OS applications. I was in charge of the Accounts Payable and Logistics applications, which relied heavily on complex SQL queries that needed to be optimized constantly to minimize processing time, thus leading to financial savings. I also programmed novel SQL queries to assist in quarterly and year-end financial reporting. I worked briefly with Unix servers and gained experience in middle-ware that enabled legacy systems to interface with more modern ones.

From February 2017 until the end of my tenure at Cognizant Technology Solutions in May 2019, I was assigned to work in Buenos Aires, Argentina. This was a novel experience and enabled me to understand work in a multicultural setting. It greatly benefited my communication and interpersonal skills in a professional environment. I believe I will be an excellent fit in any environment requiring innovation, analytical expertise, and team work.

This website has been created using Jekyll and Hyde. Credits to Jash Mehta for his super-simple tutorial on How to make a blog using Hyde (Jekyll) and host it on Github Pages and to Chris Schuld for inspiring some of the custom design of my personal website.